Annual General Meeting 2018
The Forty Sixth Annual General Meeting of Severn Valley Railway (Holdings) plc will be held at St George's Hall, Load Street, Bewdley, DY12 2EQ on Saturday 16th June 2018. Registration for the meeting commences at 2.00pm, when refreshments will be available, with the meeting starting at 2.30pm prompt.
If you are unable to attend the meeting to vote in person, please complete and submit the downloadable proxy form or complete the online version. To ensure your vote is recorded your proxy form must reach the Company Secretary not later than 2.30 pm on Thursday 14th June 2018, this being the deadline of 48 hours prior to the holding of the AGM. Submitting the proxy form will not prevent you from attending and voting at the meeting itself.
Increased use of electronic communications will deliver significant savings to the Company in terms of administration, printing and postage costs, as well as speeding up the provision of information to shareholders. If you agree to the Company sending or supplying documents to you by use of electronic communication please complete the online form.
If you have any problems accessing the documents or the online forms, please let us know at:
Shareholder Information
Full accounts can be downloaded from the following links:
Full accounts for the year ending 2nd January 2017
Full accounts for the year ending 3rd January 2016
See the 2016 Share Issue page here
St George's Hall Location
Six documents are available for download. If you click on the document it will open in a new tab or window in your web browser. Alternatively you can right-click and choose 'Save target as...' to save a copy of the document to your computer.
When you open the document by either method, you will be prompted for a password. This was sent to you in the letter or email notifying you about the AGM.
Full details of the AGM, including the agenda
Report and Financial Statements
For the year ending 2nd January 2018
Details about candidates standing for election to the board
For voting by post or facilitating entry to the meeting.
Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting.
Financial Information for the Annual General Meeting.
24/05/18 - password problem corrected.
Online Voting is now closed
Notes relating to voting online by proxy:
Any member entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and, on a poll, to vote in his/her stead.
A proxy need not be a member of the Company.
A proxy cannot vote on a show of hands.
The online form must be completed by no later than 15th June at 2.30 pm for it to be valid.
If you are voting online by proxy, please ensure your personal details are correct - your information will be checked against the shareholders register before the meeting.
Contact Preference Registration
The new General Data Protection Regulation comes into force on 25th May 2018. We need to know if you would like to stay on, or be added, to our shareholder mailing list. Please use the link below to register with us and indicate your preferred communication method.
Click the graphic above to register your mailing list contact preference
You will have been sent an A5 slip about GDPR along with the AGM mailing. If you prefer to indicate your contact preference by post this slip contains a form that you can complete and post back to us.
You can view our privacy policy on this page.
You can also view the policy at