Let us know how we're doing!
It's important for us to get an idea of what information users want to see on this site, and whether the site is working for you. If it is, we need to know.
Issues you could comment on are (for instance):
General impressions of the site.
Usability - can you get around and find what you need.
Is the information supplied useful? If so, what's good and what's not.
What other information would you like to see.
All your emails will come direct to us and we will read and act (if possible) on every one.
Thanks in advance!
To allow us to get the most out of the feedback you're giving us, please complete the form below in full.
In particular, can you let us know your involvement with the railway - such as working member, member, shareholder, or enthusiast for instance.
Please give us genuine names and email addresses - it may help if we could contact you to get further details on your comments.