Reciprocal travel
List of participants
Avon Valley Railway
Bluebell Railway
Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway (SRPS)
Dean Forest Railway*
East Lancs Railway*
Embsay and Bolton Abbey Railway
Gloucester & Warwickshire Steam Railway
Great Central Railway
Isle of Wight Steam Railway
Keighley & Worth Valley Railway
Kent & East Sussex Railway
Leighton Buzzard Railway
Llangollen Railway
Lakeside & Haverthwaite Railway
Mid Hants R​ailway (The Watercress Line)
Mid Norfolk Railway
North Yorkshire Moors Railway
Seaton Tramway
South Devon Railway
Spa Valley Railway
Strathspey Railway
Swanage Railway**
Telford Steam Railway
Talyllyn Railway
Volks Electric Railway
* See notes at the right.
**SVR staff passes will be accepted for Wareham-Swanage Day Rover travel including the 'link'. You’ll need a Swanage Railway complementary ticket. Car parking at Wareham station is restricted, so it’s best to travel there by public transport.
Please note that the Reciprocal Travel Scheme applies only to SVR working or retired working members who are in possession of an appropriate pass.
Notes on the scheme
On 'Normal' operating days' timetables all the railways signed up for the scheme should permit free third class (or 2nd or standard class on some lines) on production of an SVR working members staff pass.
Some railways, like the SVR, accept the pass and don't issue a ticket whilst others issue a complementary ticket.
On Gala days and certain other 'Special Events' days when there are special timetables in operation, in theory all should provide a reduced rate fare in line with what we do but in practice it varies from similar arrangements to the SVR, to free, to no concessions at all.
It is safest to assume that such restrictions apply at Galas and either phone in advance or certainly enquire at the Booking Office on arrival.
Matthew Davis Reciprocal Travel Officer
23rd February 2024
Telford Steam Railway added.
25th July 2022
As a result of some recent complaints from SVR Working Member Pass Holders who, when visiting some railways in our Reciprocal Travel Scheme, encountered problems, I have decided to contact all 28 Railways in our scheme to ascertain whether, post covid, they are operating as normal as far as the reciprocal travel is concerned . This is proving to be quite a time consuming task so please consider this as an interim report.
I have had to delete the following railways from our scheme; GWILI RAILWAY, NORTH NORFOLK RAILWAY, RAVENGLASS AND ESKDALE RAILWAY.
In addition some railways remaining in the scheme have put advisory notes and these are as follows;
EAST LANCS RAILWAY - Advise phoning first on day of visit to check seat availability.
DEAN FOREST RAILWAY - Avoid Wednesdays in high summer.
Whilst contacting these railways I'm taking the opportunity to update my list of names of people responsible for Reciprocal Travel issues and am surprised at just how quickly people move on and fail to inform other railways.
Please rest assured that I should be able to complete this task before the September 'Express Points' and will also circulate a new list for circulation to all Booking Offices and TTIs and the other appropriate places such as The Engine House at the earliest opportunity.