Confidential Reporting
We take safety very seriously, and have comprehensive procedures for reporting safety concerns. However, if you don't feel confident about reporting a matter in person, you can still alert the safety team by using one of the confidential reporting methods below.
Call 01299406531 and leave a message. You don't have to leave your name if you don't want to.
Report an Accident or Incident
You can download a copy of FRM-0031 by clicking here.
When complete, return the form to the Health and Safety Manager at Comberton Place by the quickest available means (preferably email) to richard.morris@svrlive.com
HSE - 'Working at Height'
This PDF document can be downloaded by clicking on the picture at the right.
Before working at height you must work through these simple steps:
â– avoid work at height where it is reasonably practicable to do so;
â– where work at height cannot be avoided, prevent falls using either an existing place of work that is already safe or the right type of equipment;
â– minimise the distance and consequences of a fall, by using the right type of equipment where the risk cannot be eliminated.
Ensure that all staff have received suitable and sufficient training for the type of work they are being asked to carry out, e.g., watching the work at height awareness course ONLY does not make someone competent to use a harness and fall arrest system.

HSE - 'Introduction to Asbestos Essentials'
This PDF document can be downloaded by clicking on the picture at the right.
Asbestos essentials task sheets will help small businesses, subcontractors and the self-employed to comply with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. They will also help duty holders, clients, trade union and employee safety representatives to understand how work should be done.
The task sheets provide the information you need to help you recognise asbestos and protect yourself and others. They include:
equipment and method sheets (em0–em10). These provide guidance and advice on the right tools for the job and how to use them;
a series of task sheets (a0–a38) with full colour images, illustrations and step-by-step guidance. It is important to follow all the actions in a task sheet, or use equally effective measures. Each task sheet shows a list of em sheets you should read before you start that task;
the Decision flow chart in this sheet will help you decide if you can carry out the work or if you need to use an HSE-licensed contractor, or whether the work is notifiable non-licensed work (NNLW);
the two detailed illustrations in this sheet showing where asbestos can be found in a typical industrial and residential property;
a safety checklist to help you make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.
Following the sheets will help reduce the risk of ill health and the spread of asbestos. The task sheets can be used to form part of your risk assessment.
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