Charity Christmas Cracker - December 15th 2016
Page updated on: 17/12/16 at 12:26

On the Web
Steam trains and the season of goodwill! - SVR website news article http://www.svr.co.uk/NewsItem.aspx?a=761
Who to contact about this story
Clare Gibbard
The SVR welcomed over 50 families from across the region to our Charity Christmas Cracker steam train on December 15th 2016.
We put on a special train, free of charge, for a number of charities based in Worcestershire and the West Midlands. Children and their families from Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Little Hearts Matter, Acorns Children’s Hospice, CLIC Sargent, Touchstones Child Bereavement Support and Promise Dreams attended the event, with each child having the opportunity to meet Father Christmas and receive a special gift from the man himself.
Amongst the singing and dancing and other festivities taking place on the train, Lewis Maddox, our Events Coordinator said: “The sight of children being able to enjoy being children rather than patients for the day is extremely heart-warming, and by running the charity train we wanted to spread the magic of Christmas to those who are struggling with illness, disabilities and bereavement during the festive season. Our aim was to put a smile on every child’s face, and with Santa’s help we certainly did that! ”
Sanchia Evans, Social Worker at CLIC Sargent said: “It was so nice for our families to visit the Severn Valley Railway and meet Father Christmas, as the opportunities to do so for the families are now limited by their child’s diagnosis and treatment. They feel like they can no longer plan things and are always concerned about infection risks and the understanding of the public towards a child with cancer. The staff and volunteers at the Severn Valley Railway welcomed us with open arms, and as a result, we have some very happy families coming home this evening.”