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Erlestoke Manor Fund

Page updated on: 15/03/18



On the Web


Who to contact about this story

  • Erlestoke Manor Fund


The Erlestoke Manor Fund owns and operates two ex-WR 7800 Class 'Manor' locomotives. The Fund has a new website and a very active Facebook page. This page does not seek to replicate those but will act as a pointer to further information and social media. 


March 15th 2018

Latest EMF locos update here:


January 4th 2018

Image added, in Bridgnorth this afternoon while Erlestoke Manor was being taken away [to Tyseley].  It blocked the roads very nicely for a while! 

John Smith


October 1st 2017

With Erlestoke Manor retiring from service after 10 years for overhaul, to say goodbye (and subject to availability) Erlestoke Manor is planned to be in steam on December 30th & 31st. Further details will be available shortly.

SVR website


September 7th 2017

At best 7812 has only 16 weeks left to run before withdrawal on December 31st for overhaul and will now be in limited use only. Make the most of remaining opportunities to see and ride behind this locomotive by checking out
Help 7812's next return to service by supporting: - and maybe win a prize! Win a fantastic valuable 7mm scale model of 4507 in our appeal draw in aid of 7812's overhaul. This and other prizes are described here but remember - you need to be IN it to WIN it!
Details of the 4507 model can be found here:


August 26th 2017

If you haven't seen it or visited in a little while, why not go over to our website's video section. The most recent addition has kindly been made by Alan Parr for the Fund. It's definitely worth a look.


July 31st 2017

On July 30th 7812 suffered a broken casting holding one of the spring hangers on her tender. D1062 ‘Western Courier’ acted as Thunderbird and 33108 provided an additional service.


July 6th 2017

More progress is being made with the "new" tender project for 7802. Today the new tender started to get 3 dimensional with the recovered rear steps getting fitted with bolts prior to rivetting. This project is now advancing well and its not too late to get involved! An image has been added - the Fund hasn't redesigned the frames. The strip along the bottom is provided so that the frames are stiffer during construction. Once the horn ties are fitted the strip will be cut off.


July 2nd 2017

Solid progress is being made with the "new" tender project for 7802. See here for photos of the recently delivered mainframes with assembled dragboxes and other components:

Meanwhile arrangements are being made for 7812's forthcoming overhaul. Those contributing to the "Final Mile" appeal also get entered into a draw for a valuable 7mm scale model of 4507 and other worthwhile prizes. Details here:


April 24th 2017

Fund volunteers replaced a tender wheel set on Bradley Manor using a spare and the wheel-drop at Bridgnorth. The existing axle had shown a suspect signal on the ultrasonic axle test under the wheel seat.

Phil Cooper, Facebook.


March 11th 2017

The Fund has a progress report on their website with news and images on the new 3,500 gallon tender for 7802 'Bradley Manor'.


February 20th 2017

Unfortunately the Diesel Multiple Unit has had a slight technical issue that was fixed the same afternoon, but the SVR had already made a contingency plan and 7802 'Bradley Manor' will cover its services until February 24th.


February 5th 2017

The Fund has announced that the inspector has completed boiler examinations and 7812 'Erlestoke Manor' will continue in traffic (subject to the usual caveats) until December 31st 2017. They will then commence an overhaul to return her to service. 


January 17th 2017

During the SVR closed season this last few days we have been busy using Bridgnorth wheedrop to fit 3 exchange wheelsets complete with new bearings and lubrication pads to tender T2334 currently coupled to 7812. As this tender has now done over 80,000 miles in service this attention was due and the worn condition of the whitemetal bearing and tyre wear confirm the wisdom of doing this work. The fund would like to thank all those who have helped with this work. 

EMF Facebook


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