LNER Teak Set
Page updated on: 17/03/18

LNER wheelsets returned from Buckfastleigh with new tyres fitted.

LNER coaches at Pacific Power weekend

On the Web
The LNER (SVR) Coach Fund and LNER Carriage Group http://www.lnersvrcoachfund.org.uk/index.html
March 17th 2018
News Letter 68 now added to web site http://www.lnersvrcoachfund.org.uk/news_letters.html
February 22nd 2018
News Letter 67 now added to web site http://www.lnersvrcoachfund.org.uk/news_letters.html
Mike Cranmore
February 13th 2018
The SVR's teaks are back together for half term services. Thanks to the amazing generosity of our supporters, who raised £10,000 in just one week last month, our paint shop has been able to fast-track restoration of the vandalised teak carriage 2701. 2701 was one of two carriages attacked by vandals at Christmas, who sprayed car paint along the sides of the coaches, causing extensive damage. It will be taking its rightful place with the rest of the teak set for our half term services next week.
Please help fund other urgent carriage restoration by donating online at http://svrtrust.org.uk/individual-support/donate-online-2.html
The teak set will be departing Bridgnorth at 10.45 and 2.45, and Kidderminster at 12.55 and 4.55 from February 17th to 25th
January 16th 2018
Four LNER wheelsets have been returned today from Buckfastleigh where they have had their new tyres fitted. The tyres were purchased new from South Africa last year. They are intended to be kept as spares at the moment.
Images added
Richard Herington
January 4th 2018
As you have probably heard, we were filmed in the carriage works today. Although, they chopped a lot out, quite a lot remained. 2 photos are loaded. The first one shows us starting to remove the graffiti, the second one at the end of the day. Lesley Carr was interviewed. You may have missed the star appearance on BBC Midlands today tonight. Unfortunately most of what I said has been chopped out. Yes, its my finger in the opening sequence. You need to watch at 9.0 mins into the programme
Here is the link to the Programme. [Link expired]
Richard Herington
November 18th 2017
A memorial train of 813 and toplight carriages was arranged today for former LNER Group volunteer Brian Craven, who is remembered as he did so much for the SVR with carriages and signal boxes. He was 70 when he passed away in Spain earlier this year. It was attended by approximately 200 people who were connected with him including family, where he worked before he retired and about 30 from the carriage works and traffic department where he was also a signalman. You can see a fuller record of the event in this Flickr album and no doubt there will be more in the next LNER Group newsletter. It is intended to have a tree planted at Arley in his memory. After the train ride we all enjoyed a buffet in the Valley Suite.
Richard Herington
November 16th 2017
The cost of bringing Charitable Trust-owned coach 24105 back to its former glory was £20,543, of which the LNER Coach Group contributed £8,543 for new components.
November 6th 2017
Newsletter 63 now added to web site http://www.lnersvrcoachfund.org.uk/news_letters.html
October 20th 2017
24015 has received attention to heights and repositioning of the toilet soil pipes. It is now complete and back in the set.
Mick Haynes
October 13th 2017
A vintage twist to carriage improvements
The SVR's team of restoration experts never misses a trick, and came up with this rather clever idea during the overhaul of carriage 24105. Making use of sets of original brackets on the exterior, they've slotted in wooden accessibility signs to show passengers with wheelchairs where they can board. Apprentice Emma Harrison hand-painted the signs in the Carriage & Wagon paint shop in Kidderminster. The brackets were originally intended to hold a wooden sign with the carriage number painted on it.
Owned by the SVR Charitable Trust, 24105 is one of the Railway's teak set, and was designed by Sir Nigel Gresley. It's receiving the finishing touches to its overhaul and should be back in traffic by the end of October. We think it's looking magnificent!
SVR Trust
October 1st 2017
An update on 'Set N'. BR 25771 Corridor Second has been in the Gresley set all year. This is due to 24105 being withdrawn for overhaul. Which is coming to an end and will be back in service for Christmas. When the set is dropped down to 6 it comes off along with 3083, which is the official spare for set N.
During the gala. Set N was split into two 4 car sets. The clean end 2701, 43600, 52255 and 24506 were used behind the Y14 and the other half 643, 43612, 25771 and 9220 were used as the other local. The other Gresley brake, 24068 is awaiting overhaul but can be used but only if absolutely necessary.
SVR Unofficial Forum
October 9th 2017
Under overhaul since February 2017, apart from some work to carry out on the bogies, Gresley coach 24105 is ready for service. Image added
R Herington
Newsletter 62 now added to web site http://www.lnersvrcoachfund.org.uk/news_letters.html
August 3rd 2017
Charitable Trust-owned coach 24105 has just received a brand new roof, courtesy of volunteers and staff at Kidderminster Carriage & Wagon. The team applied the last of four coats of paint on Monday, after re-canvassing the roof. It’s all part of a major overhaul programme for the Gresley-designed teak carriage, as paint shop supervisor (and Charitable Trust chairman) Hugh McQuade explains:
“We use bitumen paint rather than gloss because it can stretch and shrink with the frequent British temperature changes. The white colour shows up any nicks or cracks, making them easier to detect and monitor. Traditionally, the LNER would have used white lead paint. I suspect using white rather than a more sensible grey was more of an image thing than anything else. They’d be keen to outdo rival railway companies, with the smartest presentation for coaches that they could muster!”
Whilst the roof canvas itself should last for up to 40 years, C&W will apply a fresh coat of white paint to each of the Gresley carriage roofs once every five years.
Our photograph shows apprentice Emma Harrison finishing off the final coat on 24105 with Paul Brunet, who is over from his engineering firm in France on work experience.
(From Charitable Trust e-newsletter. Photo credit: Richard Herington)
July 14th 2017
The seats are nearly finished in Gresley Coach 24105. Image added by Richard Herington.
July 11th 2017
24105's interior is going well. No 1 gangway is back on and no 2 removed for attention.
Mick Haynes
July 4th 2017
A team effort by full time staff, apprentice and volunteers fitted the new roof canvas to Gresley 24105 at Kidderminster Carriage Works. The compound was heated first to make it easier to apply, then working from the top to half way down one side it was applied and then stretched over. Then the remaining half fitted. The process was then repeated on the other side. it was smoothed out with small plywood scrapers and will now be left a week to dry before permanent fixings are attached.
Further images added by Richard Herington.
June 30th 2017
Three images added by Richard Herington on progress on Gresley 24105 at Kidderminster Carriage Works.
News Letter 61 now added to web site http://www.lnersvrcoachfund.org.uk/news_letters.html
May 23rd 2017
Progress on Gresley coach 24105 at Kidderminster Carriage works. All the panels are now back on, the windows are in one side, varnishing has started on one side. Still plenty to do. (R Herington)
April 26th, 2017 - LNER (SVR) Coach Fund & LNER Carriage Group Newsletter
This LNER (SVR) Coach Fund and LNER Carriage Group Newsletter 60 is available to download.
Mike Cranmore
March 10th 2017
The 'Overhauls' webpage of the LNER (SVR) Coach Fund and LNER Carriage Group has been updated with news and images of 24105 Wheelchair carriage, which as mentioned below is out of service for overhaul and refurbishment.
Also, their Newsletter 59 is available to download.
Mike Cranmore
February 28th 2017
Work is now progressing on Gresley coach No 24105 in Kidderminster Carriage Works. Images from Richard Herington added.
February 17th 2017
Mick Haynes reports 24105 is in the paint shop and is receiving new seats as well as body panel attention and a replacement roof canvas.
February 3rd 2017
The 'Overhauls' webpage of the LNER (SVR) Coach Fund and LNER Carriage Group has been updated with news and images of 24105 Wheelchair carriage, which as mentioned below is out of service for overhaul and refurbishment.
Also, their Newsletter 58 is available to download.
Mike Cranmore
January 17th 2017
Open Third 24105 - a major overhaul commenced on January 3rd and is expected to last six months. Some panel replacement will be necessary as well as re-varnishing the exterior, lighting improvements (including reproduction LNER wall lamps) and refurbishing of the now rather tired seating. Some new seat components will be needed to bring it up to standard, and construction of these began in August 2016.
Richard Gunning, SVR Wiki.
October 21st, 2016
LNER No. 52255 is back in service.
LNER No. 43612 has entered for attention to body height.
(Mick Haynes)
October 7th, 2016 - 52255 has re-entered Kidderminster Carriage Works to have its steam heat drain pipes moved to give extra clearance (Mick Haynes).
September 26th, 2016 - LNER (SVR) Coach Fund & LNER Carriage Group Newsletter
This LNER (SVR) Coach Fund and LNER Carriage Group Newsletter 55 is available to download.
September 13th, 2016 - Finishing touches to overhaul of LNER Tourist Third Open No. 52255
This SVR Charitable Trust vehicle has been undergoing a substantial overhaul over the last 15 months at Kidderminster, with the impetus to complete the work in time for the Pacific Power event.
Richard Herington has shared these photographs of the finishing touches being made prior to its return to service as part of the 'teaks' rake behind 60103 'Flying Scotsman' and 60163 'Tornado' from September 21st to 26th.
Details of this vehicle can be found on the SVR Charitable Trust webpage.