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Live reporting today by Martin Bannister and Bill Griffiths.
Good morning everyone. Well, we're here and getting set up for the day. Looks like the weather is set fair. Just waiting to hear from Kidderminster that the first move is under way. Bill
The convoy has just left Kidderminster - Class 33 with 5764, and the Class 09 with 4566. Bill
Convoy just arrive at Highley. A brief pause, and then the shunting will commence!. Bill
Class 09 now drawing 46443 and Highley Mining Co wagon out of the Engine House. Martin
Class 09 now drawing 686 'Lady Armaghdale' out of the Engine House. Martin
Class 09 now drawing 48773 out of the Engine House. Martin
Class 09 now shunting 4566 into the Engine House. Martin
The guys are just taking a break. We'll be back with you after lunch... Bill
Class 33 just departed Highley with 48773 bound for Kidderminster. Martin
Class 09 just shunted 5764 into the Engine House, and then attached to 4566. Martin
Class 09 just shunting 686 'Lady Armaghdale' back into the Engine House. Martin
Class 09 just shunted 46443 back into the Engine House. Martin
Class 33 just arrived back at Highley after transferring 48773 to Kidderminster. Martin
Class 09 just shunted the Highley Mining wagon back into The Engine House, as the Class 14 passes by with a Kidderminster-bound service. Martin
Class 09 just shunted 47383 out of The Engine House. Martin
Class 09 just shunted 45110 out of The Engine House. Martin
Class 09 just shunted 47383 back into The Engine House. Martin
2857 passes by The Engine House with a Bridgnorth-bound service, with 7960 attached on the rear serving delicious Afternoon Teas. Martin
Class 09 just shunted 45110 back into The Engine House, therefore bringing The Engine House shunt to a close. Martin
That brings to a close The Engine House shunt for today. More updates of today will be appearing on SVRLive over the coming days as and when they are processed.

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Pictures updated 15:20