Putting the SVR Charitable Trust on film
Page updated on: 07/12/17 at 19:54

DRP Productions making a Charitable Trust film at Kidderminster station.

DRP Productions making a Charitable Trust film

DRP Productions making a Charitable Trust film at Kidderminster station.
On the Web
Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust Limited http://svrtrust.org.uk/
December 7th 2017
The Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust has released a promotional film to highlight why it needs to raise funds to safeguard the Railway’s future. Filmed at various locations along the line, the film shows a family enjoying a day out, and goes on to explain why it’s essential
to raise substantial funds to restore the ever-ageing rolling stock and infrastructure, and to invest in training heritage engineers.
It’s hoped the film will help the public understand that the price of their tickets alone simply isn’t enough to keep the Railway in good working order and to carry out costly overhaul and restoration projects.
One example that’s featured in the film is the Heritage Skills Training Academy, of which the Charitable Trust is the major funder. Eleven 11 SVR apprentices are currently training in the Academy. Emma Harrison is interviewed in the film, and talks passionately about her love for
heritage rail and her ambitions as a future heritage engineer.
The film is one of three that have been sponsored by long-term Charitable Trust supporter drp, a Worcestershire-based creative communications agency. The other films will highlight the importance of gifts in Wills to the Railway, and the fantastic opportunities that the SVR offers to companies who become corporate partners. These will be released in the New Year.
You can see the five-minute film on the Charitable Trust’s website at www.svrtrust.org.uk
September 12th 2017
More filming is taking place on the Railway on September 13th for a series of Charitable Trust promotional videos. Thanks to the generosity of DRP Productions, who are producing these short films for us at no cost, we’ll be promoting various aspects of the Charitable Trust’s work, including an appeal to the general public, potential business supporters and those who are thinking about leaving a legacy to help
preserve the SVR’s future.
Our core intention with these films is to help raise more funds to support the Railway. Last month, we filmed with a family on a day out on the Railway, and with apprentice Emma Harrison in Carriage & Wagon, Kidderminster. Wednesday’s filming takes place at Bridgnorth, Highley and on a train journey.
We are extremely grateful to everyone who has helped us set up and make these filming days happen, and look forward to being able to share the films with you later this year. Later this year, the Charitable Trust will be releasing the three short promotional films, so look out for more news on this.
Shelagh Paterson Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust
September 4th 2017
DRP Productions are generously producing three short promotional films for the SVR Charitable Trust, and filming has started.
Two images show the crew at Kidderminster station on August 30th and apprentice Emma Harrison demonstrating the craft of sign-writing for the cameras on September 3rd. The Charitable Trust funds the majority of the costs of training Emma and her fellow apprentices in the SVR’s Heritage Skills Training Academy.
Look out for the launch of our film later this year! www.svrtrust.org.uk