Working at Height ...
Any working at height is covered by The Work at Height Regulations 2005 laid down by government, the purpose of which is to prevent death and injury caused by a fall from height. Within the SVR Safety Management System (SMS) is a policy document that outlines the SVR approach to working at height, the responsibilities of all staff, and guidance on the equipment that may be used. That policy is available using the following link: SMS-POL-112 Working at Height
You will find below a video describing the main issues about working at height.
HOPS eLearning
The working at height video provides an initial introduction to working at height awareness. After you have watched the video, you will be required to take part in a short eLearning course in HOPS. This eLearning element can be accessed from this link but is only available once allocated by the H&S department, or your HoD (if they have permission). Please use the below email address to be awarded the element if it is not visible to you.
The current working at height video element will gradually be phased out over the next 3 years in favour of the eLearning.
Alternative arrangements to take the course can be made in exceptional circumstances - please contact your Head of Department in the first instance to explain why you are unable to complete the online training.