Annual General Meeting 2020
The 48th Annual General Meeting of Severn Valley Railway (Holdings) plc was held on 12 September 2020, by proxy only due to COVID-19 restrictions.
If you have any problems accessing the documents please let us know at:
Full accounts for previous years and other shareholder information can be downloaded, without a password, from Companies House.
Increased use of electronic communications will deliver significant savings to the Company in terms of administration, printing and postage costs, as well as speeding up the provision of information to shareholders. If you agree to the Company sending or supplying documents to you by use of electronic communication please complete the online form.
Documents are available for download. If you click on the document it will open in a new tab or window in your web browser. Alternatively you can right-click and choose 'Save target as...' to save a copy of the document to your computer.
When you open the document by either method, you will be prompted for a password. This was sent to you in the letter or email notifying you about the AGM.
Full details of the AGM, including the agenda
Report and Financial Statements
For the year ending 5 January 2020
Details about candidates standing for election to the board
For voting by post.
Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
The Way Ahead: a message from the SVR Chairmen July 2020
Explains our plans to reopen the Severn Valley Railway.
Changes of address
Would all shareholders please note that changes of address should be advised in writing direct to our registrars at the following address:
Hannah Brownhill, Neville Registrars, Neville House, Steelpark Road, Halesowen, B62 8HD
Tel. 0121 585 1131
After each mailing to shareholders we receive a number of returned envelopes marked ‘Gone Away’, which of course incurs postage costs and means that the shareholder may not receive the necessary communication at the appropriate time. It would therefore be most helpful if any changes were advised to Nevilles as soon as possible.
Neville's can also help with share transfers and matters of probate.
You can view our privacy policy on this page or at
Shareholder email addresses
It is much more cost effective if we can send the annual accounts information (and also the annual shareholders' newsletter) to shareholders by email rather than by post. We would be grateful therefore, if you agree, to receive your email address in order to do this. This will also enable us to keep you up to date with current activities on the Railway.
Please note that your email address is confidential and will not be used for non-SVR activities. Simply click on 'Shareholder Mailing List Preferences' below and complete the form.
Contact Preference Registration
The General Data Protection Regulation came into force on 25th May 2018. Please use the link below to register with us and indicate your preferred communication method.
Click the graphic to register your mailing list contact preference.