SVR Share Issue 2016 - archive
This offer is now closed
Page updated on: 09/12/17
Archived news
December 9th 2017
The final total was £2,548,595 (SVR News No. 200)
November 3rd 2017- SVR's PR
Organisers ‘overwhelmed’ as SVR’s Bridgnorth share offer hits £2.5million target
Share purchases flooded in right up until the very last minute on the final day of fundraising, pushing the Severn Valley Railway’s Bridgnorth share offer total up to its £2.5million target.
Corks were popped and glasses raised in celebration on Tuesday as those behind the year-long fundraising project saw totals rising by the minute, and then came the long-awaited news that the campaign was due to hit the magic
£2.5million mark.
People queued throughout the day at the SVR’s Kidderminster head office to purchase last minute shares and offices remained open right up until 9pm yesterday in response to the demand, with more than £33,000 coming in over just four hours.
The hugely busy final day was the icing on the cake for volunteers and project organisers, who had seen a massive surge in interest over the campaign’s final weeks, with almost three quarters of a million pounds received since the
end of September, and 60,000 extra shares being purchased over half-term week alone.
Project organisers say they are ‘overwhelmed’ by the support for the share offer, which has been raising funds to transform visitor facilities at Bridgnorth – the biggest redevelopment project in the SVR’s history.
Long-standing volunteer and SVR board member Tony Bending said: “We are absolutely delighted and overwhelmed by the amazing response - we always knew that the £2.5million figure set at the start of the campaign was an
extremely ambitious one – and we never dared hope that we would get anywhere near it, but we are truly humbled and grateful to all those who have so generously supported us and would like to say a huge thank you – we are over the moon.”
“This fundraising is the culmination of more than a decade of hard work and planning for many of the people behind the Bridgnorth Development Project, and will enable them to see their dreams for this much-loved station finally
become a reality.”
The share offer campaign, launched in November last year, aims to create much-improved visitor facilities at Bridgnorth, whilst conserving the Grade II listed station building, built in 1862.
Phase one of the ambitious project includes construction of a brand new refreshment room and toilet building, refurbishment and renovation of the existing station building and the first part of an extensive tree-planting scheme.
Phase two includes the installation of a locomotive turntable, creation of additional car parking with a new access road, plus further tree-planting and landscaping.
Construction work is already well underway on the new refreshment room, with a grand opening scheduled for summer 2018.
November 3rd 2017 - updated
Further to David Postle’s NBI below, we can now confirm that share sales reported at close of play yesterday by Neville Registrars stood at a magnificent £2,520,300!
There are still a few applications to process so it is likely that this figure will increase in the coming days.
In addition to the above, the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust has raised a further £60k for the Bridgnorth Development Project taking the total to almost £2.6m.
What an amazing achievement!!
Thank you to everyone that has made this possible – our Bridgnorth dream is set to become a reality.
Clare Gibbard Marketing & Communications Manager
When we opened the offer we were asking for £2.5M for the Bridgnorth Project so that we could complete the new refreshment room/toilet building, and refurbish the listed station building, including an extension to the Railwayman's Arms, the restoration of the booking hall and provision of a new retail area. Once this had been done, any surplus money would be spent on additional car parking and access, a turntable and landscaping.
The share offer started brightly, and then flagged a little in the middle months, so by 23rd August, we were celebrating passing the £1.5M mark, still a million pounds away from the target, and we were anticipating that we would be fortunate to raise about £1.75M with only nine weeks of the offer still to go. A small group comprising Tony Bending, Clare Gibbard, Sue Bown and myself, with additional help from Stan Jones, was tasked with trying to encourage people to buy shares to increase the total. A lot of hard work was done in the background. A concerted publicity campaign was pursued with adverts appearing in the major railway magazines and other publications. Giant thermometers were erected at Bridgnorth and Kidderminster to show visitors progress on the chase for the extra million. We even put adverts on toilet doors to keep the share offer uppermost in people's minds. We have had three very good promotions in Steam Railway, Railway Magazine and Steam Days in which long and well illustrated articles appeared, all stressing the need for support. We had radio and TV coverage to do the same. All in all, a great deal of effort was put in by a lot of people, for which we are very grateful.
During October, we saw a remarkable turn of events in that having gone so slowly during the middle months, finally the money started to come in, steadily at first and then at amounts which we could only dream about during August and September. In one five day period alone we took over £100,000 and our targets increased as a result. We might make £1.8M, maybe £1.9M and at this point Tony Bending offered to buy the drinks if we reached the magic mark of £2M! By the time this had sunk in, we had already passed £2M, and by some way. Tony's wallet was about to take a hammering as we started to revise our estimates again. As October progressed, the daily figures became eagerly awaited, and then we received over £107,000 in just one day. Upwards went the estimates and in the last few days, there were people buying shares over the phone as well as coming to the offices. During the last week of the month (half term week) when we were running trains, there was a stand at Bridgnorth and one at Kidderminster and between them they managed to sell a staggering £50,000 plus of shares to passing visitors.
Tuesday evening was a bit like election night when we were watching the results of share acquisition coming in. The office stayed open until 9pm and managed to sell about £33,000 worth of shares in just three hours. At the same time there were radio interviews and an appearance by BBC Midlands Today at Bridgnorth to film next to 7714 in steam and interviewing Nick Paul and Chris Thomas, together with a ceremonial popping of the cork by Nick Ralls to celebrate live on TV. What were we all celebrating?
Well if you have kept up with the momentum of the paragraphs above, late Tuesday evening we actually achieved the magic £2.5M. Mr Bending's wallet is looking increasingly fragile now, but more importantly it enables us to carry out the works at Bridgnorth which we have been planning for four years. It is an amazing achievement and a big thank you is due to all those who have helped us to get there, whether it is by buying shares, or by publicising the offer, manning stands or manning phones. Effectively we raised one million pounds in nine weeks to achieve that goal.
The final figure will not be known for a few days as we wait for the last payments to be processed and then we will spend a bit of time analysing the figures so we can better understand the patterns of giving. There were a few large purchases, but the overwhelming majority of the share purchases were for amounts of £1200 or less, an indication of the support given by our visiting public, members and existing shareholders. About a third of the shares bought were by people who had not bought shares before, the rest by existing shareholders.
The success of the share offer must also be put in the context of the pressure on scarce resources within the heritage railway movement. We were in stiff competition with the Gloucester-Warwickshire Railway and the Llangollen Railway to name just two who had launched their own share offers, so our own success is even more remarkable. ​
David Postle Bridgnorth Project Team
October 30th 2017
The BBC reports £38,000 sold on Sunday http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-41807713
The Share Offer has smashed £2.33 million (12.15 p.m.) and it's your last chance to help us reach £2.5 million.
Shares may be purchased in person tomorrow (Tuesday 31st) between 9am and 4.30pm at our Head Office in Comberton Place, Kidderminster; payment by cheque, cash or card as you wish! We'll hopefully see you there.
Remember, all applications must be received by our registrars by post or hand by tomorrow at the latest.
October 29th 2017
With so little time left, Shares can also be purchased from our Head Office on Monday October 30th from 9am - 5pm. We are amazed by the generosity of our supporters, and cannot thank you enough.
October 28th 2017
The figure last night was £2,268,801.
October 25th 2017
Our Bridgnorth share offer is now at £2.18 million
SVR Families Facebook page 11.24 a.m.
We are amazed by the generosity of our supporters purchasing Shares in the last few days of our Bridgnorth Station Share Offer!
Our phone lines have been ringing non-stop, and our Directors selling Shares at Bridgnorth have been rushed off their feet.
Remember, you only have until October 31st to complete your purchase. Thank you, it means a great deal.
October 23rd 2017
The Bridgnorth Share Offer closes on 31st October 2017. It is therefore no longer possible to send Share Offer packs out in the post due to the imminent application deadline, however it is not too late to purchase shares under this Share Offer.
New shareholders - please download the application form and print, complete and return to Neville Registrars by post or by hand by October 31st 2017.
Existing shareholders - Please complete personalised application form (sent by post to most existing shareholders during Share Offer period) and return to Neville Registrars by post or hand or call Neville Registrars on 0121 585 1131 to purchase additional shares by October 31st 2017.
A Share Offer stand is open at Bridgnorth Station until Sunday October 29th (10am-2pm). Come along and see how the new refreshment room is progressing, ask any questions about the Bridgnorth Share Offer and purchase shares on the day by cheque, cash or card if you wish!
October 20th 2017 - SVR's PR - Bridgnorth share offer smashes £2million mark with target now in reach
The Severn Valley Railway’s Bridgnorth share offer has smashed the £2million mark, with a staggering £107,000 coming in on just one day.
With less than a fortnight to go before the share offer campaign closes, share applications are flooding in at their fastest rate ever, with Tuesday seeing the highest daily total of the entire, year-long campaign.
Delighted with the last-minute surge in applications, organisers are now hoping that this huge uplift in volume continues throughout the final remaining days of fundraising, putting the overall share offer target of £2.5million within reach.
Throughout half-term, from Saturday until the 29th October, people will be able to purchase shares at the SVR’s Kidderminster and Bridgnorth stations using cash, cheque or card. Current SVR shareholders can also top-up easily by telephoning Neville Registrars on 0121 585 1131. If anyone has any queries they can call the Severn Valley Railway on 01562 757900 (option 2), or visit www.svr.co.uk/shareoffer.
Long-standing volunteer and SVR board member Tony Bending said: “To have reached the £2million milestone is absolutely tremendous – everyone is extremely excited and we have our fingers firmly crossed that this amazing volume of applications carries on into the campaign’s final few days.
“Thank you so much to those who have purchased so far – each share purchased is moving us nearer to achieving all the wonderful plans we have for our much-loved Bridgnorth Station, making it an even better place for people to visit, whilst protecting and preserving it into the future.”
The Bridgnorth share offer closes on October 31st, after which date, no more share applications can be accepted.
The share offer campaign, launched in November last year, aims to create much-improved visitor facilities at Briidgnorth, whilst conserving the Grade II listed station building, built in 1862.
Money raised so far will pay for phase one of the ambitious project, which includes construction of a brand new refreshment room and toilet building, refurbishment and renovation of the existing station building and the first part of an extensive tree-planting scheme.
However, it will not yet cover all of phase two, which includes the installation of a locomotive turntable, creation of additional car parking with a new access road, plus further tree-planting and landscaping.
Those wishing to donate to the Bridgnorth Development Fund without purchasing shares can do so via the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust, which may be able to apply for a further 25 per cent Gift Aid on donations from taxpayers. Go to www.svrtrust.org.uk to download a Bridgnorth donation form.
October 19th 2017
Our total has now passed the £2 million mark and continues to rise fast but timing is running out. We still have over 400,000 shares available to purchase at a price of £1 each before the Share Offer must close on 31st October 2017.
October 16th 2017 - read the Railway's PR
With just over two weeks to go until the Severn Valley Railway’s Bridgnorth Development share offer closes, a last-minute surge in share applications has seen the total hit the £1.8million mark.
The rate of applications and enquiries is at an all-time high, with £103,000 coming in from Monday to Friday last week alone. Though delighted with the latest milestone, organisers are hoping that the final few remaining days of the year-long share offer campaign will see the increased volume of share purchases continue. Long-time volunteer and SVR board member Tony Bending said: “We are delighted to see this last-minute increase in share applications and are working hard to process them all before the deadline of October 31st, after which no more applications can be accepted.” “Each pound coming in now brings us nearer to fulfilling our dreams of creating new and improved visitor facilities at Bridgnorth, while protecting and preserving the historic jewel in the crown of the Severn Valley Railway for current and future generations.” He also urged those thinking of purchasing shares to apply as soon as possible to ensure that their applications can be processed before the deadline. To apply, visit www.svr.co.uk/shareoffer or call 01562 757900 (option 2). The Bridgnorth Share Offer campaign was launched in November last year, with the entire proceeds going towards the creation of much-improved visitor facilities, access and parking at the Railway’s Northern terminus, whilst conserving and enhancing the architectural integrity of the distinctive, Grade II listed, neo-Jacobean station, built in 1862. The overall target was £2.5million, and money raised so far will pay for phase one of the ambitious project, covering the construction of a brand new refreshment room and toilet building, refurbishment and renovation of the existing station building and the first part of an extensive tree-planting scheme. However, the amount raised to date will not pay for all of phase two, which includes the installation of a locomotive turntable, the creation of additional car parking, a new access road, extensive tree-planting and landscaping. Those wishing to donate to the Bridgnorth Development Fund without purchasing shares can do so via the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust, which may be able to apply for a further 25 per cent Gift Aid on donations from taxpayers. Go to www.svrtrust.org.uk to download a Bridgnorth donation form.
October 11th 2017
We're now up to £1.8million in our Bridgnorth Redevelopment Project share offer - with less than three weeks and £700,000 to go for our project to create much-improved visitor facilities at this much-loved, historic station.
At the moment, we have enough money for phase one of the project - new refreshment room and toilet building, renovations and enhancement of the current Grade II listed station building and the first part of an extensive tree-planting scheme.
However, we don't have enough money for all of phase two, which includes installation of a locomotive turntable, increased parking, a new access road, extensive tree-planting and landscaping.
If you can help by purchasing shares, please see www.svr.co.uk/shareofferor call 01562 757900 (option 2).
The share offer ends on October 31st, so please leave enough time for your application to be processed. Thank you!
October 9th 2017
We're now up to £1.7million in our Bridgnorth Redevelopment Project share offer - with less than a month to go!
Our fundraising must end on October 31st, so if you are thinking of purchasing shares, make sure you apply as soon as possible so that your application is processed in time.
Thanks so much to all the people who have already purchased shares - we would love to raise as much as possible of our £2.5million target to enable us to fulfill our plans for Bridgnorth Station.
The walls of our new refreshment room are really taking shape now, both inside and outside, and the brick arches are looking great.
To find out more and purchase shares, see www.svr.co.uk/shareoffer or call 01562 757900 (option 2).
September 26th 2017 - ​PR: Packed platforms, awards and thousands of shares sold at SVR season finale Gala (edited)
The Severn Valley Railway rounded-off its steam events season in style with thousands of visitors packing the platforms and boosting Share Offer totals during its Autumn Steam Gala.
Returning to the Railway’s events calendar after a year-off in 2016, when one-off event Pacific Power - featuring Flying Scotsman took its place - the four-day, season finale event steamed back in from Thursday to Sunday.
With just over one month to go until the Bridgnorth Development Project share offer campaign closes, project teams took to the platforms and are delighted to report that more than £10,000 of shares were sold during the Gala. The figure brings the SVR ever-closer to its £2.5million target to transform Bridgnorth Station.
Clare Gibbard, the SVR’s marketing and communications manager, said: “We are thrilled with the amount raised for our Bridgnorth Development Share Offer, which, with just over £850,000 to go, brings us within reach of hitting our £2.5million target before the campaign closes on October 31st. It would be so wonderful to be able to fulfil all our plans to preserve and enhance Bridgnorth Station for both current and future generations of SVR visitors.”
14 September 2017 - PR: Sharp upturn in share applications puts Bridgnorth in reach of £2.5m target
An upturn in online share enquiries in the month of September has put the Severn Valley Railway’s Bridgnorth Development Share Offer back within reach of its ambitious £2.5 million target just six weeks ahead of the campaign’s end.
Although web requests for application packs remained steady during summer months, the first week of September saw a 40 per cent increase and extra staff were drafted in to issue share offer packs daily. At the same time, share offer purchase patterns mirrored this upturn with a 40 per cent uplift in the number of daily share purchases in September compared to preceding months.
A large upturn in the size of purchases being made was also seen in late August which helped boost the monthly average individual purchase to £772 from a long-term average of just over £500.
The Bridgnorth Share Offer campaign launched in November last year with the entire proceeds destined to provide much-improved visitor facilities whilst conserving and enhancing the architectural integrity of the distinctive neo-Jacobean station built in 1862. The proceeds reached £1.5 million during the summer, leaving the SVR with £1 million to raise in the final 10 weeks of the share offer period which must close on 31st October.
Tony Bending, long-time volunteer and SVR Board member said, ‘We are very encouraged by the recent dramatic upturn in interest and sales and whilst £1 million is a great deal of money to raise before the end of October, we have a good deal of potential buyers in the pipeline who are now our primary focus.
‘As well as a strong presence at the Autumn Steam Gala where we expect to generate an enormous amount of interest from the expected 7,000 visitors, members of the Bridgnorth Development Team will also be hosting a question and answer session for SVR Members at The Engine House at Highley on 30th September where we anticipate a high turnout.’
Well-known, long-time volunteer Karen Hammond has also joined the campaign in a bid to persuade more SVR volunteers to consider becoming shareholders.
Karen became a volunteer over 30 years ago and,having worked the booking office before graduating to guard duties, is now a signalwoman. Originally from Essex, Karen and her volunteer husband John commuted more than 140 miles to Bridgnorth to help out on the Railway until they bought a second home in the town itself.
A staunch supporter of the current Bridgnorth plans, Karen said, ‘Many of my colleagues quite rightly ask why they should give their money when they give so much time which saves the Railway so much money each year but this time around, this simply isn’t enough.
‘The station desperately needs this proposed upgrade – I’ve seen no real investment at Bridgnorth in the 35 years since I started volunteering and the temporary buffet I found on my first day in the early 80s is still struggling on, unable to meet the demands of visitors in the 21st century.
‘Beautiful Bridgnorth, which is our only listed station along the line, is the poor relation and it’s time we changed that.’
(Posted September 26th, with apologies for lateness. The PR was 'spam trapped').
August 30th 2017
The Bridgnorth share offer passed another key milestone last week as share sales topped the 1.5 million mark with just 67 days to run until the closing date of October 31st.
Sales by the end of 25th August closed on a total of £1,502,245 as the share offer campaign team put into place final elements of its campaign in a bid to find the final million.
To date just over 20 per cent of all those who have expressed an interest or requested an application pack have bought and this figure is expected to rise, leaving the team hopeful of a late surge in sales as the deadline nears, mirroring patterns of previous share offers.
For the first time in the campaign the number of purchases from new shareholders has exceeded purchases from existing shareholders, topping up their holdings and the imminent gala is expected to boost sales again with teams on hand during the days to process applications and sell shares.
Tony Bending said, ‘Although August has, as expected, been a quiet month for new applications, the level of purchase from those already in the pipeline has been encouraging. Our focus now is on making sure everyone with a potential interest knows about the share offer as we’ve just two months to run. To that end we’ve placed a series of advertisements in a range of heritage steam titles in plenty of time for potential new applications to be processed.’
For further information on the share offer and to download the share offer document visit www.svr.co.uk/shareoffer
If you have any questions on the share offer or Bridgnorth project, a ‘Question & Answer’ session will be taking place at The Engine House on Saturday 30th September at midday. Please come along to find out more!
Clare Gibbard Marketing & Communications Manager
On behalf of the share offer team
PR: Railway looking for final million as Bridgnorth development share offer passes £1.5m
The Severn Valley Railway’s share offer programme, launched late last year to fund its ambitious conservation and redevelopment of Bridgnorth Station, reached another key milestone this week with just two months to run.
Last week, applications to purchase shares at a price of £1 each passed the 1.5 million mark, another crucial milestone along the way to the target of 2.5 million by the end of October this year.
The share offer proceeds are destined to provide much-improved visitor facilities at the station, including a new refreshment room in the style of an early 20th century Great Western Railway building, and key works to enhance the existing station, built in 1862.
Rounding-off plans for the most ambitious restoration and development in the Railway’s 52-year history are significant public realm improvements and better road access, with enhanced car parking to accommodate significantly higher visitor numbers at the northern end of the line.
Tony Bending, long-standing volunteer at the SVR said: “Although the end of the share offer period is now only two months away and we have £1 million to raise, we are still hopeful of achieving our target.
“We’ve had enormous interest in what we are doing with more than 3,000 web enquiries, so we think there is still more to come. It’s not too late to apply for a share offer pack on our website or by giving us a call and we’d also like to remind everyone that with the shares come some generous shareholder travel benefits.”
David Postle, long-time SVR volunteer and lead of the Bridgnorth Project Team added: “This station was built in 1862 to serve an important market town where revenue from goods traffic, particularly that serving the local agricultural community, exceeded that from passengers. It was not built to accommodate anything like the 250,000 visitors that are now seen on the current Severn Valley Railway each year.
“Modernising the infrastructure enables us to protect and conserve this unique piece of living history for future generations. That is why reaching our share offer target of £2.5 million is so important to us and we are conscious that time is now tight."
Full share offer information can be found at www.svr.co.uk/shareoffer or by calling 01562 757900 (Option 2).
Alternatively, those wishing to donate to the Bridgnorth Development Fund without purchasing shares can do so via the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust, which may be able to apply for a further 25 per cent Gift Aid on donations from taxpayers. Go to www.svrtrust.org.uk to download a Bridgnorth donation form.
July 21st 2017
The turntable, and 200 parking spaces - if the share offer raises sufficient funding... another £1 million needed by 31st October 2017!
The former Bristol Bath Road turntable will be installed in the locomotive yard and so visitors will be able to watch locos being turned.
A permeable hard surface parking will be laid out for over 200 cars, with a separate pedestrian footpath, from the field above the boiler shop. An access road will be created on a one-way system from Station Lane, exiting through the fields and underneath the railway into Oldbury Road.
Access will be created to the scheduled ancient monument that is Pan Pudding Hill, with its unrivalled views of the station site and the town.
Do please support our share issue http://www.svr.co.uk/ShareOffer1.aspx
June 16th 2017
Many working members over the last few weeks have approached me to ask how
the share offer is going, with expressions that they were also going to buy more
Well the very good news is that we have now passed the half way point to the
target of £2.5 million, in fact the total today is 1.26 million shares sold.
These existing share offer funds, as you will have seen, have allowed for very
significant progress to be made on the new Bridgnorth Refreshment Room which
every day is now rising higher from the ground with the Board having agreed the
financial package for completion of this important phase.
Please do look again at your share offer document or at the website
http://www.svrlive.com/share-issue-2016 and read about the exciting phases of
the project that still require funding. Can you help? Would you purchase a few
more shares? Can you give a donation with gift aid? Can you cajole family and
friends in to supporting Building Bridgnorth through share purchase?
Please keep an eye on the progress being made through SVRlive or Express Points,
there is still time to make more of this superb project a reality.
Yours with thanks
Nick Ralls General Manager
May 31st 2017
Although the share offer has so far generated over £1.2 million pounds from new and existing shareholders, for which of course we are most grateful, a further £1.3 million is still required to complete the first and second phases. Work at Bridgnorth is now well underway. Construction of the foundations for the new refreshment room and toilets is complete, and building work is now in progress. Funds are still needed, however, to complete the first and second stages, which encompass not only the new refreshment room and toilets, but also relocation of and improvements to the station gift shop, an extension to the Railwayman’s Arms pub, improved car parking and installation of the Bristol (Bath Road) turntable.
For a minimum share purchase of just £100, shareholders will receive at least one free travel ticket per year (currently worth £19.80). (The number of free tickets increases with the shareholding, and shareholders with 1,200 or more shares receive a travel pass giving unlimited travel on almost all SVR train services for the holder and up to three guests!) The full schedule of shareholder benefits is shown on page 21 of the offer document. These benefits are reviewed occasionally to take account of inflation, but the current benefits will remain unchanged for at least the next 3 years.
If you would like to become a shareholder but have questions about the offer you would like to ask before making a decision, please call us on 01562 757900 (option 2), or email shares@svrlive.com and we will do our best to help. Our office is open from 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday) and 9am to 4pm (weekends). The questions can be either general or technical in nature.
Nick Paul Chairman
March 13th 2017
I am very pleased to inform you that this week the share offer surpassed 1 million shares! This is a crucial milestone on the way to the target of 2.5 million by the end of October 2017. Grateful thanks are due to all those that have already purchased. Now, the impetus is to push on and encourage further share purchases of family, friends and other contacts as we seek to increase shares sold onwards from the first million. Further information on the works undertaken to date will be forthcoming from the development team, and I would remind all readers that all proceeds from this share offer go to fund the one objective, the development of Bridgnorth!
Nick Paul Chairman
SVR Press Release:
Severn Valley Railway’s share offer programme, launched late last year to fund its ambitious conservation and redevelopment of Bridgnorth Station, topped the ‘magic million’ earlier this week.
By the close of Monday 6 March, applications to purchase shares at a price of £1 each passed the one million mark, another crucial milestone along the way to the target of 2.5 million by the end of October this year.
The share offer proceeds are destined to provide much-improved visitor facilities at the station, as well as preserving the existing station, built in 1862.
Rounding-off plans for the most ambitious restoration and development in the Railway’s 52-year history are significant public realm improvements and better road access with enhanced car parking to accommodate significantly higher visitor numbers at the northern end of the line.
Railway chairman, Nick Paul CBE, welcomed the new milestone but cautioned that the Railway still had a long way to go to reach its target.
‘Reaching the million mark is a real achievement in just four months and we’d like to thank everyone who has already invested, the length and breadth of the country, for their support.
‘Achieving the seven-figure mark just ahead of the start of the steam season is reassuring but we are not yet half way and the clock is really ticking as the share offer must close at the end of October. For that reason, I’d urge anyone considering investing to get in touch with us and to make their investment sooner rather than later.’
Early stage investments have already funded initial ground works and brickwork for the new refreshment room will commence in coming weeks.
Full share offer information can be found at www.svr.co.uk/shareoffer or by calling 01562 757900.
Alternatively, those wishing to donate to the Bridgnorth Development Fund without purchasing shares can do so via the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust, which may be able to apply for a further 25 per cent Gift Aid on donations from taxpayers. Go to www.svrtrust.org.uk to download a Bridgnorth donation form.
Update February 27th 2017
As at February 27th over 960,000 shares have been sold.
Update February 5th 2017
As at February 5th over 900,000 shares have been sold.
Update January 29th 2017
As at January 23rd over 880,000 shares have been sold.
Update January 18th 2017
Purchase of shares since the New Year have been buoyant and as of today 869,018 shares have been sold in support of the Bridgnorth Station Building for the Future share offer. This is an encouraging running total, but to complete as much of the project as possible we still would like your assistance in encouraging friends and relatives to add their support by purchasing shares. Please do remind them that shareholders will enjoy travel benefits.
Please visit [the Bridgnorth development page] for the most up to date progress report on the foundations that are being laid for the new refreshment room. The Bridgnorth Development Team are working with the contractor to establish accurate costs of the next phase of the development and of course the greater the Share Offer total, the more of the project that can be committed too..
Nick Ralls General Manager
Update December 23rd 2016
The Bridgnorth Building for the Future Share Offer has passed 650,000 shares sold.
Update December 17th 2016
Bridgnorth Station ‘Building for the Future’ Share Offer now stands at £636,000. 40% of purchasers are new shareholders. Please expect further updates and activities to promote this project in early 2017.
Nick Ralls General Manager
December 16th 2016
Update December 2nd 2016
We are pleased to announce that the Bridgnorth Station ‘Building for the Future’ Share Offer has raised over £500,000 to date. This is a great start to raising £2.5 million in 12 months.
Please can you help us to spread the word about this exciting and transformational project by informing friends and relations.
Share Offer details can be found on www.svr.co.uk.
Nick Paul CBE Chairman
Update November 23rd 2016
By November 21st, just less than three weeks since the launch, SVR had sold 335,000 shares. Read the full article via shropshirelive.com at: http://www.shropshirelive.com/2016/11/23/severn-valley-railway-share-scheme-achieves-first-key-milestone/
Update November 18th 2016
As of last night, November 17th, 298,420 shares had been sold. To sell nearly 300,000 shares in under three weeks is really very encouraging. 61% of share purchases have been made by existing shareholders and 39% by new shareholders.
SVR share offer: 1,000 register interest on first day - Shropshire Star 03/11/16
On the Web
SVR webpage http://www.svr.co.uk/Shareoffer
SVR accounting information can be downloaded from the following links:
Full accounts for the year ending 3rd January 2016
Full accounts for the year ending 4th January 2015
SVR Share Registrars
Neville Registrars Limited, Neville House, 18 Laurel Lane, Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 3DA
Share Enquries: 0121 585 1131
Email: info@nevilleregistrars.co.uk
Share offer document
Share offer leaflet
Documents for reference only